───Hello, Gee,First of all, we would like to know your background.
Since when do you start to play the drum ? And what is catalyst ?
───チャオ Gee ! まずは Geeのドラムを始めたきっかけなど聞かせてくれますか?
Gee Anzalone:
Hello, first of all thanks for the interview, i'm glad you would like to know something more about my drumming and my ideas about drums.
I started to play drums at 15 years old during high school, as a self-educated drummer i started playing easy songs..everything started as a joke with my best friend,since we wanted to put up our first band to play gigs around our hometown.
Than that joke became a passion and with the time passing it became serious and serious, until i get to this point!
Gee Anzalone(以下G): ハロー, まずはインタビューに感謝します。私のドラミングやドラムに対するアイデアに興味を持ってくれてうれしいよ。
───At the beginning, what kind of music (genre) band did you play ?
───なるほど 独学でドラムを始めたのですね。では最初はどのようなジャンルの音楽を演奏していたのですか?
G: At the beginning i used to play easy grunge/punk songs like Nirvana, Ramones, Sex Pistols, Melvins.
During that time there was not Youtube and internet connections so the only way to get influences from some drummers was just listening thousands of time their band songs and learn the drum patterns in memory
G : 最初は ニルヴァーナ、ラモーンズ、セックスピストルズ、メルヴィンズのような グランジロックやパンクを演奏していたよ。当時はもちろん今とは時代が違いインターネットなど普及されて無く Youtubeなんかも無い。何回も曲を聴いて身体で曲やドラミングを覚えるしか無かったんだよ。
───Whose play did you get the influence and impression and why ?
───ですよね。今の若いドラマー達は 映像などはケータイ電話などでいつでもどこでも見れちゃいますもんね。 インターネット普及以前は ライブに行くか、音源をレコードを擦り切れるまで聴くかでしたね。 そんな中でGeeにインパクトを与え、プレイに影響を与えたドラマーは誰だったのでしょう?
G: I started to get influences from drummers when I started to study drums during the academy ages.
I caught various Rock/metal influences from Tommy Lee, Vinni Paul, Gene Hoglan, Dave Lombardo and all the rest of influences from my old teacher Tullio De Piscopo and Steve Smith,
these last two drummers they still inspiring me every day, since they still playing at the top and still on the road.
G : 影響を受け始めたのは、専門学校でドラムを勉強するために通う頃になってから。多くのROCKやMETALのドラマー, 特には トミー・リー(モトリークルー)やヴィニー・ポール(パンテラ)、ジーン・ホグラン(テスタメント)、デイブ・ロンバード(スレイヤー)などに刺激を受けたよ!また昔指導してくれたドラムの先生 トゥリオ・デ・ピスコーポや ジャーニーのスティーヴ・スミスは今でもプレイし続けており、毎日僕に何かを感じさせてくれるんだ。
───In 2005, you start to teach drum for ROCK, METAL and join some bands as Braindamage and Kill Ritual to build your skill up.
The super technique melodic metal band, Dragonforce. previous drummer, Dave Mackintosh left
Then, fortunately, super guitarist, Herman Li, DragonForce finally found your talent. You decided to join DragonForce.
The band requires more speed, power and technical drumming. Did you get any pressure to join DragonForce as world-wide band ?
───2005年から あなたはROCK, METAL専攻のドラムの講師を始められ、さらには BraindamageやKill Ritual というバンド活動をしたくさん経験を積んだと思います。 そんな中で、超絶テクニックのメロディックメタルバンド “DragonForce”のドラマー デイヴ・マッキントッシュの脱退がありました。幸運なことにより、Geeのプレイが、あのスーパーギタリスト, ハーマン・リーの目に留まり”DragonForce”への加入となりました。そこでよりパワフルで速く、テクニカルなドラミングを要求されたと思いますが、DragonForceのようなワールドワイドなバンドの加入することに、プレッシャーは無かったのでしょうか?
G:I didn't get any pressure from them, everything happened in the smoothiest way ever,
at that time (it already passed 2 years o.O ) i was studying extreme drumming tecnique by myself, recording drum videos for my youtube channel and improving tecnique studying my drum methods daily.
They called me for rehearsing together, at that time we were already friends since years before, so after some rehearsals they asked me to join the band, and for the rest you know what happened.
G : 特にプレッシャーは無かったよ。すでに加入してから2年が経ちすべての事がスムーズに進んでいるよ。Dragonforceのリハーサルに参加する前は、毎日ドラムプレイの動画をチェックし、プレイスタイルを改善するという反復練習しながら、独学でエクストリームドラムのテクニックを探求したよ。
───Now, we would like to ask you about UFiP cymbals. Needless to say,
UFiP is the top of Italian cymbal market share. Since when do you start to use UFiP cymbals and series name ?
───とにかくGeeのドラムについての真剣な取り組みはとても素晴らしいと思います。さてここからは UFiPシンバルについてお聴きしたいと思います。
Geeの生まれ故郷 イタリアのブランドで本国では絶大な市場シェアを誇っているブランドですね。
G:I agree with you, UFiP is the top italian cymbals brand in the world, I started to play UFiP since my teenage era,they are italians as I am, so i feel also proud to carry the italian flag in the world, with my dear UFiP brand close to me.
I remember when i was kid the first time when i visited UFiP factory, and that experience still impressed actually in my memory.
In the past i tried all the different UFiP Series, from the Tiger Series to the Classic, from the Natural Series to the Brilliant.
One of my favourite always been the Rough series but of course the best series that i'm proud to use is the Bionic Series, the best choice for my drumming and style.
G: まったくその通りだよ。UFiPは間違いなく世界中で一番素晴らしいシンバルブランドだよ。10代の頃からずっとUFiPシンバル一筋だよ。僕もUFiPもイタリアンだしね。
───We guess, you have to play more speed, power and technical drumming than previous bands.
Further, your drum and cymbal sound should be not buried the vocal, bass and of course, super technical twin guitars and keyboard sounds.
Your cymbal setting is outstanding, specially larger size 6 crash cymbals.
We guess you spent lots of time to fix this setting .
We are very curious the reason you use current cymbal line-up ?
G:This is a good nice question, my choice about to have just "big sizes" cymbals it depended because we usually use to play in big venues like Loud Park Festival for example so i need cymbals with a very long sustain and thick enough to absorb properly the hits of my arms.
Smaller sizes sound would collapse immediately on a big stage.
At the same time my hits are very fast and powerful, since i use wrapped 5B Promark drumsticks, which are heavy, so hitting smaller sizes cymbals with that force and speed that i normally use, probably i would break a cymbals set after every show.
A big size cymbal can bear heavily hit without moving that much on the cymbal boom.
G : とても素晴らしい質問だね!“大きなシンバルを選ぶ!”事の理由を簡単に説明すれば、日本のLOUD PARKのような 大きな会場でのライブがほとんどだからだよ。
───Please explain detail sound and character of each Bionic cymbals
ここからは Bionicの個々の特徴、意見を聞かせてください。
G:BI-10 splash…
I have 2 of these splashes, same size (10").
I choose 2 splashes with the same size because for who knows UFiP should also know that every cymbal that they made has is own sound and character.
That's the reason why i choose two same size for the splashes, they sounds different!
G : BI-10 splash…
僕は10”のスプラッシュ2枚使っている。何で同じサイズ?って理由は UFiP シンバルは個々にサウンドキャラクターが違うからさ!
G:BI-18 crash…
This is the smallest Crash i have in my drumkit.
I normally use this cymbal on my left, it sounds great specially in the slow parts of the songs, when i need more dynamic accents and less heavy sounds.
G : BI-18 crash…
G:BI-19 crash…
My favourite Crash size, i have two of these on my drumkit, they sound different between eachother for the same reason i wrote above, the 19" Bionic Series size can cover all of the different ranges of dynamic, giving a powerful sound with a great control.
G : BI-19 crash…
G:BI-20 crash…
I have just one crash 20" in my right, and i normally use it for all the sustain performances, it sounds great, one of the best cymbal in my set.
G : BI-20 crash…
これは1枚だけ!(笑) 右側にセッティングしている。これは主にサスティンのパフォーマンスに使っている。音は素晴らしく、最もお気に入りの1枚さ!
G:BI-18 china…
China 18" Bionic Series, great for short accents together with the snare,low sustain cymbal.
G :BI-18 china…
G:BI-19 china…
China 19" Bionic Series, longer sustain than the previous one (18"), great for accents with snare as well.
G :BI-19 china…
G:BI-14 Hi-hat…
One of the best part of my Cymbal Setup, this HH is great in live performance and during recording sessions too.
G :BI-14 Hi-hat…
G:BI-20MR ride…
This is the cymbal that i love more in my set, great sustain, great ping, aggressive if hit hard, sweet if hit slowly.
Great for all the kind of music genres.
G :BI-20MR ride…
───Further, we are very curious the reason why you add 2 Experience Blast crash cymblas ,18” 19” ?
───さらに興味深いのはシリーズの違う Experience Blast 18インチ,19インチの2枚を加えているところですね。
G:The reason why i have added two Blast Crashes is that i needed 2 low sustain crashes that could have give me the same mixed sound of a china and a crash 14/16" together with a big size that could absorb heavy and fast hits.
Blast crashes are the best compromise for the drummers that are searching for a low sustain cymbal sound with a big size.
G :僕がExperienceのBlast クラッシュをあえて2枚加えている理由は 減衰の早いクラッシュサウンドが必要だからだよ。
───Please advise to Japanese drummers, do you think what the most important point to choose cymbals is ?
G:I will be honest with you, i would prefer to tell to the drummers that are reading this interview which are the reason why they should choose an UFiP cymbals set:
G : 正直に言います。このインタビューを読んでUFiPを選んでいただければ嬉しいです。
- UFiP cymbals are adapted to every kind of drummer that is searching for his own set to buy.
1. UFiP シンバルは これからシンバルを揃えようと考えているすべてのドラマーにもお薦めします。
- UFiP offer a big range of Series to the drummers, so basically everyone can find everything for their needs.
2. UFiPはさまざまなドラマーに対応できるように、レンジの広いシリーズを取り揃えております。すべてのドラマーの皆様に気に入ったサウンドを見つけていただけます。
- UFiP cymbals are handmade and unique, every cymbal that the UFiP workers create have his own character and feeling, like an artwork.
3. UFiPシンバルは熟練の工員たちの手によって作られ、一つとして同じシンバルは存在しません。工員たちの個々のキャラクターで趣向が違い、感性も違いまるで芸術作品を作っているようです。
- You are sure that every UFiP cymbal sounds as it best, because they are all earcreated cymbals, so it would be impossible to find a UFiP that sounds bad!
4. 手に取ればあなたはUFiPのサウンドがいかに素晴らしいか確信することでしょう。なぜなら工員たちの耳によってクリエイトされたシンバルだからです。決して悪い音を見つけることは無理でしょう。
───Please give your messages to Japanese DragonForce fan.
G:I take the chance to thanks Tommy Omori and Kikutani Music to have sent me these interesting interview questions and to support myself and Dragonforce providing UFiP cymbals anywhere is possible in the world.
A big thanks of course to the UFiP boss Alberto Biasei for supporting me with his whole professionalism and reliability 24/7 and a big thanks also to Luigi Tronci.
I thanks all the Dragonforce fans that follow us during our shows everywhere in the world.Without you guys that wouldn't exist this amazing band!
To all the drummers my recommendation is to keep going to study drums everyday,improving the skills more than possible and above all make your choice playing UFiP Cymbals, you'll never repent!
G : まずはこの場をお借りして UFiPの日本代理店のキクタニミュージックと Tommy Omoriに今回インタビューの機会を設けていただき、さらにいつもDragonForceの日本公演をサポートしていただきお礼申し上げます。
UFiP社 社長 アルベルト・ビアセイ、ルイージ・トロンシにもワールドツアーをサポートしていただき感謝いたします。
全世界すべてのDragonForceファンの皆様 世界中で皆様に応援していただき感謝しております。DragonForceが活動続けれるのも、皆様の熱い声援のおかげです。
最後にドラマーの皆様へのアドバイスです。毎日 短い時間でも必ず練習を継続する事、出来ない事に挑戦してスキルを磨いて 可能にするまで練習してください。そしてUFiPのシンバルを使うこと。UFiPサウンドは絶対あなたを後悔させません!
G : ありがとうございました。
1.Bionic Series Crash 19"[BI-19]
2.Bionic Series China 18"[BI-18CH]
3.Bionic Series Hihat 14"[BI-14HH]
4.Blast Series Crash 18"[ES-18BTC]
5.Bionic Series Crash 18"[BI-18]
6.Bionic Series Splash 10"[BI-10]
7.Bionic Series Splash 10"[BI-10]
8.Bionic Series Crash 19"[BI-19]
9.Blast Series Crash 19"[ES-19BTC]
10.Bionic Series Ride 20"[BI-20MR]
11.Bionic Series China 19"[BI-19CH]
12.Bionic Series Crash 20"[BI-20]